Commercial License
WinFsp is open source software available under the GPLv3 license with a special exception for Free/Libre and Open Source Software. Entities that wish to use WinFsp without the restrictions imposed by the GPLv3, may alternatively purchase a commercial license.
License Terms
There are different commercial licenses for organizations and individuals.
The commercial WinFsp license for organizations is as follows:
- It allows a single named team with up to 10 developers to develop with WinFsp.
- It allows unlimited linking and distribution of an organization’s closed-source software products with WinFsp.
- It allows development on multiple closed-source software products.
- It allows indefinite use of any version of WinFsp released within 3 years from the date in the Agreement. (E.g. if an organization signed on Jan 1, 2021, it can use any version of WinFsp released until Dec 31, 2023 FOREVER.)
- The license fee is 6000 USD. There are no additional royalties.
Alternative license terms for organizations with multiple teams or more than 10 developers are also available.
Please contact Bill Zissimopoulos <billziss at> for more details.
The commercial WinFsp license for individuals is as follows:
- It allows a single named individual to develop with WinFsp. This license cannot be used for a single individual within an organization; an organization license must be purchased instead.
- It allows unlimited linking and distribution of an individual’s closed-source software products with WinFsp.
- It allows development on multiple closed-source software products.
- It allows indefinite use of any version of WinFsp released within 3 years from the date in the Agreement. (E.g. if an organization signed on Jan 1, 2021, it can use any version of WinFsp released until Dec 31, 2023 FOREVER.)
- The license fee is 2400 USD. There are no additional royalties.
Please contact Bill Zissimopoulos <billziss at> for more details.
The commercial WinFsp license provides terms for licensing the WinFsp source code and binaries and does not include any support. Public support is available at the following locations:
Guaranteed priority support under annual contract is also available. Please contact Bill Zissimopoulos <billziss at> for more details.